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it dont launch, it just brings me to the page


Why does it crash when i choose [Play]?

And also can you make a windowed version? I do [Shift] [Left Mouse Buttonx2]

Wow, a super good game!

Why is the world so small?

An infinite world is quite a complex thing to make. So once I decided to make the world limited, I could only make it so large and still have a reasonable load in time. Possibly in the future I will add infinite terrain, but not any time soon.

I can't launch, just opens game files

Be sure you downloaded the app, not the unity project. app forces me to download unity project

okay then so you're on mobile? if so this game is meant for pc, sorry

no the desktop app

download the app (zip) in the browser. Unzip it and run it

I can't unfortunately, I don't have

Open the link to this game in your web browser, not the itch Io app

and fix the freeze glitch when you jump and prss e

if you press e and press it again its gonna glitch click close

and add a sound on or off button in settings

and also add water and add a save world option and you can see all your savd worlds and if you can add a hand. and do the normal run button, touch the [W] key 2 times.

(1 edit)

add survival with mobs and add clouds

and can you please add a button control in the settings and also please add multiplayer and characters and 3rd person and also please add skins.

Okay listen. I am NOT going to be progressing this project. Please, for the love of god don't just DEMAND updates and new features out of me. I am sorry if you thought i was aiming to fully remake Minecraft. I am not. I can only go so far in recreating a game that is NOT MINE and COSTS MONEY TO ACTUALLY GET.

On top of that, I can't just "add" multiplayer, or skins, or clouds, or mobs, or 3rd person, and CERTAINLY not SURVIVAL. That would all take months to finish. I'm sorry again but that is not what I'm going to spend my time doing just so you don't have to buy a video game. I hope you enjoy your day.

i know im not trying to force you to add them its just a like. question if you can add them. not like ill be in a room with you and you are traped in a chair with me holding a gun and saying, ADD THESE OR DIE!!! no its all just a question.

You’re  welcome to though. The project is open source.

what version of unity is this?



A really well done recreation of the game we all know and love.


you named the zip file cave game. nice reference to the original name of minecraft


Ahh I was wondering if someone would catch that! :)


I did




i did XD

Nice game there is a bug if you press e to go into your inventory if you press e again it takes you out and then you have to press it again.

thats how normal minecraft works lol



Nice job on the game! I found a bug that happens if you press E to escape from the inventory, it leaves the inventory but you can't do anything until you press E again to go back into the inventory and press the exit button. its not like a game breaking bug but i thought that I should let you know.

good for what it is

Melee wasn't pliiiiiiay

(1 edit)

How do I install the game

edit:I found out

@Copper Aardvark Games   Could you please please PLEASE add an autosave feature? I keep doing like two hours worth of work, then the game crashes and I lose everything.

what if im using my laptop and dont have a mouse? how do I select my other blocks?

Use two fingers on the touchpad, on the LEFT SIDE, and you can scroll.

You know, if you are going to be playing a 1st person game that has mouse controlled movement and action that uses different mouse buttons, then you should really just buy a cheap mouse for your laptop. 


so there are shader


its like minecraft 1.0 but with shadows and shader


Are you sure you didnt take it from the 10th anniversary website? jk this is pretty good. are you working on this still? 

(1 edit)

Not really. Got some other projects currently under way that I'm focusing on. Definitely will be soon though!

Do you still work on the project? Because if you do, Can you add glass and some types of wool?

(1 edit)

how did u make caves???

(havent played yet just seen pictures)

I actually used the same noise algorithm for caves as i did for the surface terrain. Rather than 2d noise i used 3d noise. I just made a simple algorithm to increase the intensity of it based on how low the y position is. for the caves i just generated regular 3d noise across the map, and any place where the noise is greater than a certain value (I think i chose 0.8), it places an air block.

that is so cool i didnt know about 3d noise thats so cool my recreation is trash but you should check it out (i failed and did individual blocks instead of a actual terrain soo sorry)

Its awesome!

This is super impressive. Great job on making this work!

Thanks, I appreciate it!

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